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Really cool container, simple and easy to use- easy to clean. People wonder what the heck I’m pulling out to take my leftovers home in 🙂
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Color: Black|Verified Purchase
Doesn’t include an SD card, but an SD card is required to operate. While a minor detail, a real pain in the neck for something that would cost them nothing in bulk. Also, My particular unit would not home in Y axis due to the internal endstop cable being ever so slightly unplugged. Even though the factory put a red locking compound on the connector, it was pulled hard enough to slide the entire thing (shell and all) off the pins. No big deal to me but probably a huge problem to anyone not familiar with 3D printing, endstops, and basic error troubleshooting- and none of that would be covered in any support manual. I saved them money by not shipping back for such a simple error but it did require unscrewing the cover on the base unit, examining the wiring, and pushing the connector back on. Hopefully a one in a million fluke.
Again, you cannot print anything without an SD card, but it’s not included. Any typical 1-32GB SD card will work, formatted FAT32.
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Size: Small Short
Evac Storage System
This set of canisters uses a unique system to push the air out of the container, through the lid, to keep food fresh. I wasn’t exactly sure how this was going to work, but it’s so simple. All you do is put your food in the canister and push the lid down so that it’s right on top of the food. When you’re ready to use the food in the canister, just grab the handle on the top of the lid and pull it out of the canister. It’s that easy. The canisters are dishwasher safe, but you need to hand wash the lids. I’m usually that person who puts everything through the dishwasher regardless of the directions, but I do hand wash these lids. They have rubber gaskets that seal them to the edge of the canister. The edge of the gasket flips up as you push the lid down, then it has to turn as you pull the lid back out. Putting it through the dishwasher could seriously dry out the gasket and then it will no longer seal correctly…..so I hand wash.
The canisters are stackable….but be aware you have to stack like sizes together. Large with large, medium with medium, but height doesn’t matter.
It’s taken me a little bit to figure out how to choose the right size canister for what I want to store. I typically fill my containers all the way to the top then snap the lid on, but with the way these work you need to leave a couple inches of head room so that there is enough space for the lid to fit inside the canister the way it needs to.
I received this storage system for free in exchange for my honest review.
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Excellent customer service. The photo was easy to send through my email the Photo of my father in law came etched looking exactly like him in his sailor suit in 1941. great detail. The toaster did not work properly, their customer SERVICE is AWESOME! They quickly offered a replacement without requiring me to return the broken toaster. Such honesty in a company is wonderful, somebody notify Clark Howard!
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I love this bowl, it can easily be removed from the handle for washing and comes clearly marked. The display on the handle is super easy to read (I’m blind) and has convenient settings based on the type of food you’re measuring out. I even accidentally dropped the plastic handle but it seems very durable. Make sure you have AAA batteries!
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Crock-Pot 6-Quart Wemo Smart Wifi-Enabled Slow Cooker

By Michael
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I have had none of the connectivity issues that others describe. Setup was easy and worked after a firmware update. The other day, I had completely forgotten my slow cooker dish when I met friends for drinks. My phone notified me when the slow cooker was done, and I was able to put the setting on warm. Very much enjoying it.
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As a healthcare worker in terminal setting, the Verilux Cleanwave takes
santitizing to the next level for complete peace of mind in the workplace.I live in a tropical environment and it is great for killing mites and small micro
critters also.
I love it, and coworkers are always asking where did I get THAT.
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Since I received it about two weeks ago, I have used it on 2 frozen chicken breasts, an inch thick steak, 2 pork chops and 3 lamb chops, and they have all thawed within an hour. I remove them from any packaging, and place them on the tray, and then turn them over at the 30 minute point. Previously, for frozen sealed packaged meats, I was thawing the sealed pieces in cold water, however, the flavor and texture of the meat and poultry has been better using the thawing tray. It certainly beats having to thaw frozen meat or poultry overnight in the refrigerator. The tray is also very easy to clean with hot soap and water.
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You will LOVE the crystal clear ice spheres for your drinks. Directional cooling, not the water, is what makes the difference. This ice chest is much quicker and easier than some methods shown on YouTube. This ice chest will fit into your freezer than any homemade contraption. Start with the sphere molds with the chest (on Amazon or Wintersmith website) I think you will eventually go to Wintersmith website to buy the ice cube mold as well as storage containers so you can build up your supply of ice cubes and spheres. You will never want to go back to regular ice in your drinks or for your guests.
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These are soooo handy! My favorite use for these is to protect fruits and veggies. I use the small one to cover items like half a lemon or the medium for when I used half a tomato and they worked fantastic! The only negative I would say is that you can’t put them in the dishwasher but it seriously takes five seconds to clean these so it wasn’t too big of a deal to me. It’s worth not wasting ziplock bags that are used for two days and thrown away.
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Package Quantity: 1|Size: 1Pack|Verified Purchase
Works like a charm. Can old up to 13 eggs, but prefer to boil 12 or less at a time.
1. Boil water
2. Slowly lower this basket into boiling water for 12 minutes
3. Slowly remove from water and place into water & ice bath
4. Let sit in ice water for 15+ minutes
5. Remove eggs and refrigerate for breakfast – the eggs peel SO easily it’s a joy (the basket doesn’t ensure easy to peel, the boiling first does, the basket just makes it easier to slowly lower the eggs into the already boiling water resulting in fewer split eggs)
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Fun to use and it works. Make sure there is no ice in tube before using.
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Color: Black|Verified Purchase
So these work really well so far! I have one with rice and the other with granola. They seem to seal pretty tight so I feel comfortable turning them to the side and shaking ingredients into the lid for easy measurement and the plastic that is used is really thick/sturdy. You are able to control size of the opening that leads to the lid so that less/more falls into it. When you open the lid there is a plastic piece that covers the opening that leads to the main canister, so only the amount measured comes out (this works really well).
My biggest complaint is that there is no really easy way to towel dry the measuring portion of the lid just because of the way it is designed. Air drying was a good way to go for now. My other canisters will be used for flour and protein powder now that I know it works well (and now that the lids have finally dried out).
They are a bit expensive for what they are, but I really like the look and convenience of them.
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Style Name: Bluetooth (800 watts)|Verified Purchase
Sous vide cooking is by far the easiest and cleanest way to cook. The true set it and forget style of cooking will transform the way you make your meals. Its unfortunate there aren’t more of these in kitchens across all homes, but it’s only a matter of time between pressure cookers and sous vides to take over. I tried cooking a steak using this and I like my meat cooked medium…you can see where this can be a problem. Cooking a piece of steak to ensure its medium and not overcooked is minutes apart. With a sous vide, you set the temperature, let it cook in the extremely hot water bath then sear it on pan (USING THE JUICE FROM THE BAG). I have yet to try other recipes but I am pretty excited.
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This product is stupid. But I’m giving it five stars because its so damned funny to have it poop eggs out at you, its worth the $20 samolians. And if you prep them correctly, adding spices, salt, pepper, etc to the raw egg and mixing carefully without breaking the yolk, it really does cook nicely. It looks weird and it IS WEIRD…but it works. I have yet to try some of the other recipes, but this is a really cool way to make scrambled eggs to put in a potato hot dog bun with some hash browns. I might like that. No idea yet but the product works. Its just very odd. My kids are calling them SHEGGS, an abbreviation for excrement and eggs. Which we all laughed at and why I bought it. We watched the video online and my ‘girls’ were making poop sounds the whole time when the eggs would slide out. So, yes, extremely immature. Both me and my children. But it works and its fun and its an interesting way to eat eggs. I personally do not mind slightly undercooked eggs and read the other remarks about cook time (ridiculous comment) or that it does not cook them through, what would you want? over hard each time? That guy is in the minority in terms of egg preparation. Most adults like a little yellow run to dip a piece of toast into, to mop it up. The Rollie does not even allow for that. The eggs are cooked pretty much all the way through. This little item is worth $30, let alone $20 for a novel way to prepare breakfast.
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Size: Large|Verified Purchase
First use was simple-I dropped some chicken breast in here (chunked up) with some red wine vinaigrette and in 20 mins it was perfect.
I don’t know if it was the vacuum or the cut or the high acid content of the dressing, (probably all of the above) but the chicken came out juicy and tender and delicious.
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Color: Silver|Verified Purchase
This is the only ice cream scoop I can use! I have a history of wrist issues so I usually have to call my husband in to help.
I was watching a scienced based TV show where they discussed the technology behind this type of utensil. I did some research and found this product. I don’t know if is the heat transfer or the shape of the scoop but now I can get a scoop of ice cream easily! I’m assuming it’s a combination of the two. My husband just said the other night how this was best ice cream scoop ever. So I decided to come back in and write a review. I believe we have been using it 7-8 months now. I like not having to wait for my ice cream to soften and then have the lid melting all over the place and I no longer have to get my husband to scoop for it!It is not recommended for the dishwasher. This does not phase me and I do not mind rinsing it off with a touch of soap and water. It’s not a big task to clean. Sometimes I just rinse and set to dry. The scoop cleaning time is nothing compared to how much time you save waiting on the ice cream to soften or trying to dig it out slow motion. This is now a prized utensil alongside our Bluebell. My kitchen knifes are also prized but I wouldn’t dare put those in the dishwasher to dull their edge either. It’s nice having a product that delivers.
Can’t say enough about how special and unique this product is! You just need to get one so you can feel the glide and ease yourself.
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Love them! I love fresh ground pepper but my husband wouldn’t use the conventional pepper grinder because he has trouble with his hands so I started looking for electric pepper grinders. I did a lot of reading reviews and researching before deciding on this set. Plus, it opened my mind to having a grinder for salt as well. The batteries were easy to install; it was easy to fill each one with salt and peppercorns and reassemble. I love the light that comes on when you press the button and the salt/pepper is dispensing so you can see where the salt/pepper is landing. There are covers on the bottom of each one so we don’t have to worry about getting salt and pepper all over our counters between uses. The grind consistency is also adjustable from fine to coarse. It is adjustable from the bottom too, so you don’t have to take it apart to adjust it. I hesitated to buy this set because there were a few reviews saying the grinders had difficulty grinding the salt. However, I ordered the Pink, Himalayan Salt from Spice Labs and it grinds through it with ease. My husband does his share of cooking in our house and he really likes these and uses them regularly also. Very happy with my choice!
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Hiku The Shopping Button

By Humantribe
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I bought this for my mom and she loves it. It’s easy to use, even for the “technologically challenged”, and the voice recognition has been spot on. She uses it for everything (reminders to get the mail, take out the trash, and water the plants) along with groceries. Great little product, easy to connect to the phone and easy to use.
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